Sunday, June 23, 2013

You all know what a pseudonym is, right? Mark Twain's real name was Samuel L. Clemens, but he wrote under the name of Mark Twain. William Sydney Porter is better known to us as O. Henry. Pseudonyms are commonplace among writers so I never gave it a thought when I started a blog under my pseudonym or pen name. However, I've been reading "Blogging for Dummies 4th Edition" and it talks about blogging ethics and that it's okay to blog under a pen name or pseudonym, but that I should let folks know it and why. So, I'm letting you all know that Deborah Annette Shaw is my pen name. Why didn't I write under my real name, you ask? For several reasons. #1 - I have absolutely no desire for fame for myself, but for my books, yes. #2 - I like people, but if my books become bestsellers, I'm not sure I'd want to go into a restaurant and become the center of attention. Like I said, I have absolutely no desire for fame and I really mean it. #3 - Let's say that my books do become bestsellers (I hope, I hope!). People will assume that that will make me rich--maybe, maybe not. With two mortgages and a very old car (more than ten years), it will take a lot just to get my feet on solid ground again. I do not want solicitations for products or things that I would never in a million years want to buy. I do not want my "long, lost cousins" contacting me--obviously, my real cousins are fine, not the ones who are cons, however. And lastly and most importantly, while my family is very much a part of my life, I am not married anymore. Nor do I want to get married again. Truthfully, after two miserable marriages, I am convinced the problem is my lack of good judgement when it comes to men. If I dream about getting married again, it always ends up as a nightmare--thanks to husband #2. The marriage between Micah and Katie is ideal to me (sans Meloni)--and I am simply not going to find a Micah. Or a vegetarian vampire which might be even more desirable if it heals an old injury! So, confession complete--no intention to mislead anyone--just desperate to keep my quiet life quiet, but still feed my lifelong passion to write. If you enjoy my writing, that's what makes me happiest! (If you write a review for because you like my books, I'll be ecstatic!) I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Speaking of decisions, my sister Bobbi brought up an interesting suggestion. She had just finished reading the manuscript for VORTEX, the fourth book. She thinks I should take part of Vortex and tack it onto the end to TSUNAMI, the third book in the series; keep a certain part of VORTEX as is; and then create a 5th book utilizing the last part of VORTEX and expand on it. Obviously, I can't give you story details, but I wondered if any of you had any thoughts about that...
I uploaded TIDES - Book Two: RIPTIDE last night. Waiting for approval to go ahead with the first proof to be printed. I am sending it to Jim, my wonderful editor, for a final review. Meredith is working on the final cover--we used a mock up just to get the proof book printed. I need to write a blurb for the back cover and I've done a sketch of Dad's Island that we hope to include in the book so everyone will have a better idea of what I'm seeing in my mind. The problem is I'm not sure how to insert the drawing into the digital book. I might have to put it on the back cover, but I'd like to avoid doing that if I can. I think it would work better as a spread over two facing pages so it's not too small. Decisions, decisions!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Several people have contacted me to ask me when the next book is coming out. I hope to have TIDES - Book Two: RIPTIDE available after Independence Day. How soon after will depend very much on my editor's busy schedule. I will keep you posted!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I don't deny that I am thoroughly enjoying being a published author. I eagerly check two or three times a day to see what my stats are, but I mostly enjoy reading the reviews from people who have read my first book. I want to thank them, tell each one how much it means to me that they wrote a review, and most especially that they like TIDES - Book One so much! There is a place to comment on, but I'm not sure that it applies to me. So, I decided to write my thoughts in my blog. I don't know some of the people who wrote reviews, but to all of you, I appreciate the time you took to write down your thoughts about TIDES - Book One. I am grateful beyond measure for the wonderful reception TIDES has received. I am also grateful to the many people who helped to make TIDES a reality. They are listed in the acknowledgements in the back of the book or at the end of the Kindle download. They are all wonderful people and all very talented, and I am extremely grateful to them and to you, the readers!