Daring, Gratitude, and Dreaming BIG!
I'm getting more daring in my young age. As you can see, I've made some changes. Most of them were after watching videos that didn't tell me what I wanted to know. I just clumsily trip over what I need and sometimes, I get lucky enough to recognize it for what it is. These are my "Aha" moments. The really frustrating part is that even though I've changed the main picture before, I couldn't for the life of me remember how to do it tonight! Kathy, where are you when I need you?!! :)
So, I have been terribly derelict in blogging as of late. I'm going through some changes in my life and trying to steer my course through them. As we all know, life can throw you some really hard curves to navigate. My income has changed, my hours have changed--at least temporarily--all because I took a bad spill three years ago. I had started writing my books before that for which I'm grateful--it gave me something to focus on as well as something to do for the long months when I couldn't do much of anything. Still, three years later, I'm still paying for falling backward off my front steps. For whatever reason, I can't physically handle filing and I'm way behind. I did it last year, the year before, and even the year before that even though I had injured myself only a couple of months before. Management decided to bring in a temp to do the filing for which I am grateful, but as a result I'm working half-time for the time being. It could be worse! I could have lost my job completely, so I'm grateful to still have it with the hope that I will be full-time again very soon. I should, at this point, say that my back is getting better, but my doctor thinks I need strengthening exercises now. I've been favoring it for a long time and so she is most likely right.
I consider myself lucky in spite of the injuries and in spite of the job situation. I'm not happy about either, to be sure, but I have a friend who fell the same week I did--she fractured two vertebrae and her fractures were far worse than my little hairline fracture. She required surgery and pins or fusing--can't remember, but it was a lot worse than mine. A friend's mother fell and literally broke her own neck. Her top two vertebrae were seriously fractured. This happened last March and she's been going through a terrible time since then. She's doing better now, but she hasn't seen her own home in all this time, and maybe she won't again. How sad.
Four friends or relatives of friends have been diagnosed with cancer. They are in various stages from just being diagnosed to deep in treatment to recovering and praying it doesn't come back on them. Another friend is going through the testing to see if some abnormal cells are cancerous. I'm praying for all of them.
The point in this dismal treatise is that no matter how bad things get, someone else always has it worse. I had a difficult childhood, but one day I watched a movie where a child sat on a hill and watched while his parents were murdered by enemy soldiers. I was grateful I didn't have to go through something like that in my childhood.
A few years ago, I watched "The Secret" and liked it so much that I purchased the DVD. If you're interested, check out thesecret.tv. It talks about attracting good things into your life, but it works best when you want good things for yourself as well as for others. It's not easy to do--we are programmed to lament everything in our lives that isn't the way we'd like it to be. For me, the trick is to think of one good thing in my life and to be grateful for that, and then build from there. It's not always easy--we all get our down moods. Or life hands us a hard curve to navigate. Sometimes, you feel like flying off the edge. I know I was there last Friday when I learned my hours were being cut. Yesterday, our CEO told me that he hoped to bring me back full-time as soon as possible, but that if I wanted to take another position, he would give me a glowing recommendation. Glad I didn't fly off that curve now! I love my job, the people I work with and for, and I am eagerly hoping to be full-time again soon. In the meantime, I'll do the best I can, picture myself selling a lot more books, and I'm really looking forward to the movie deal! It doesn't hurt to dream BIG!
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